Immigration by Marriage: Your Options for a Spouse or Fiancé Visa

Apply for Green Card

 Wedding rings on US visa represent immigration by marriage

Getting married can be an overwhelming process, but navigating the U.S. immigration system is no easier. For couples who are weighing their options for immigration by marriage, there are several variables and choices to make. These differences can affect your cost and time line, but both options are paths to permanent residence (green card).

Generally, a couple can marry first and then immigrate to the United States. Or some couples may prefer to have the wedding in America. As a U.S citizen, you have two options to bring your partner to the United States. Permanent residents may only petition a spouse; they cannot petition a fiancé.

Immigrate as a Fiancé (K-1 Visa)

A U.S. citizen may petition a foreign national fiancé to come to the United States for the purpose of marriage. Congress specifically created the K-1 visa for this purpose. Once the foreign fiancé has entered the United States with a K-1, he or she must marry the U.S. citizen with 90 days or depart the U.S. The process begins with U.S. citizen filing Form I-129F, Petition for Alien Fiancé. After marriage, the K-1 visa holder may adjust status to permanent resident. At the end of this process, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issues the beneficiary a green card.

Immigrate as a Spouse (IR-1 or CR-1 Visa)

U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents may petition a foreign national spouse to immigrate through marriage. The process begins with U.S. citizen or permanent resident filing Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative and Form I-130A, Supplemental Information for Spouse Beneficiary. The spouse will go through consular processing and enter the United States with an immigrant visa. USCIS mails the actual green card to the spouse shortly thereafter.

If you are already married and the foreign national spouse is physically present in the United States, this article probably isn't for you. Instead, the foreign national spouse may want to apply for the green card from inside the U.S. This process is known as adjustment of status.

Same-Sex Marriages

Both the K-1 visa and CR-1/IR-1 spouse visa are available to same-sex couples. Same-sex spouses of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, including their minor children, are eligible for the same immigration benefits as opposite-sex spouses. Your eligibility to petition for your spouse or fiancé, and your beneficiary's admissibility as an immigrant at the immigration visa application or adjustment of status stage, will be determined according to applicable immigration law and will not be denied as a result of the same-sex nature of your marriage. In other words, USCIS treats same-sex marriages the same. However, it is essential that the marriage was legal in the jurisdiction where it occurred.

Immigration by Marriage Comparison

There isn't one option that's best for all couples. The best type of visa depends on you and your specific situation. It's a personal decision. Here are several factors to consider for immigration by marriage:

Place of Marriage

Congress designed the K-1 fiancé visa as a way for a foreign national fiancé to come to the U.S. for marriage. Therefore, the K-1 visa is generally the best solution if the couple desires to marry inside the United States. This path does require some pre-planning. The marriage must take place in the U.S. within the 90 days of the K-1’s admission to the United States. An adjustment of status package should ideally follow shortly thereafter. If your preference is a marriage outside the United States, the K-1 is probably is not the right choice for a visa. Some couples choose to have an unofficial wedding reception or religious ceremony that is not legally binding abroad then come to the U.S. to be legally married.

Speed of Marriage

If your priority is to become married as soon as possible, it will generally be quicker to marry outside the United States. The K-1 visa processing time is several months. If you do opt to marry outside the United States, the U.S. citizen won't be able to file Form I-130 until you have married and have evidence of that marriage (marriage certificate).

Speed of U.S. Presence

If your goal is to be together in the United States as soon as possible, the K-1 visa is generally the fastest path. From the date of filing to the date of admission to the U.S., the K-1 visa processing time is typically a little shorter than the I-130 processing time. Current conditions, service center case loads and your particular case could vary in length.

Many foreign nationals may consider entering on a B-2 visa or visa waiver program for the purpose of marriage or adjusting status. This is not recommended. Although many people do it successfully each year, it is a visa violation to have a preconceived intent to adjust status when entering the U.S. on most nonimmigrant visas.

Congress did introduce the K-3 visa for the spouses of U.S. citizens to reduce family separation. By design, the U.S. citizen may request a K-3 visa for a foreign spouse by filing Form I-129F. (You may file Form I-129F concurrently with Form I-130 or after filing the I-130 petition.) The K-3 visa allows the foreign national spouse to enter the United States to either await consular processing or simply apply for the green card through adjustment of status. In practice, the U.S. State Department rarely issues the K-3 visa. Generally, the State Department approves the immigrant visa petition first, rendering the K-3 unnecessary.

Supporting Documentation

The supporting documents that you'll need to submit for each process are very similar. Perhaps the most underestimated requirement is the need to prove that a bona fide relationship exists. Marriage fraud, using fictitious marriage information to circumvent immigration laws, has historically been a problem area for U.S. immigration officials. You must do more than produce a marriage certificate. You must demonstrate that a genuine relationship exists.

CitizenPath provides immigration services to help you prepare a petition for either visa. In addition to your prepared forms, CitizenPath provides you with customized filing instructions are customized to your answers in the petition so you know what to do for your specific situation. The filing instructions provide detailed directions on supporting documents and how to organize your petition.

Cost of Immigration through Marriage

Each path requires slightly different forms with various fees. If costs are a major concern, obtaining the spouse-based immigrant visa (CR-1 or IR-1) will generally be less expensive.

Typical Fees for a K-1 Visa
Expense ItemCost (USD)
Filing Fee for Form I-129F$535
Filing Fee for K-1 Visa Application (DS-160)$265
Filing Fees for Adjustment of Status Package$1,225

There are additional costs if you'll need help preparing your I-129F petition and adjustment of status. CitizenPath offers an affordable K-1 Visa Petition Package and a separate Adjustment of Status Package to assist you with these forms.

Typical Fees for a CR-1/IR-1 Immigrant Visa
Expense ItemCost (USD)
Filing Fee for Form I-130$535
Filing Fee for Immigrant Visa Application$325
NVC I-864 Review fee$120
USCIS Immigrant Fee$220

These figures are estimates based on the 03/15/2023 USCIS fee schedule. Estimates do not include any travel or hotel that may be required for appointments and/or interviews. Immigration medical exam fees will vary by region and doctor and also are not included. Additionally, USCIS announced a fee increase that will likely go into effect within 2023.

Need help? Use CitizenPath's Immigrant Visa Petition Package to prepare Form I-130 and the I-130A supplement.

International Travel

If the immigrant fiancé travels frequently, consider this factor when deciding between the K-1 visa or CR-1/IR-1 visa. A K-1 visa is valid for a single entry. International travel is not permitted until the foreign spouse files a Form I-485, Application to Adjust Status, along with an Application for Advance Parole (Form I-131). USCIS may not issue the advance parole document for 3 to 5 months after filing. If the foreign spouse travels abroad before an advance parole document is obtained, USCIS will consider the adjustment of status application abandoned. But a CR-1 or IR-1 spouse that entered the U.S. with an immigrant visa can travel abroad immediately. An immigrant visa holder is a permanent resident upon admission to the U.S. Additionally, the K-3 visa facilitates international travel. It can be used for multiple entries to the U.S. and is valid for up to two years.

Selecting the Best Path for Immigration by Marriage

The best choice is individual to you, your time line and your budget. Regardless of the path you select for immigration by marriage, it's important to submit a sound application package.

Our software has been reviewed by immigration attorneys to ensure accuracy. It alerts you of potential problems and missing information. The software even provides explanations for many questions so that you can make informed decisions. What's more, it's backed up by live customer support during normal business hours.

We are so sure that our service is the best possible way to complete your USCIS application that we have a Satisfaction and an Approval Guarantee. If USCIS denies your application, you get your USCIS fees AND our service fee back.

Take the guesswork out of your immigration application and prepare your forms using CitizenPath. Start preparing your application today and don’t pay until you’re good to go.

Note to Reader: This post was originally published on August 18, 2020, and has been modified with improvements.

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